Williams %R or you can call it Williams Percent range is one of the most searched indicators that you can easily find in your Pocket Option account.
What is Williams %R
Williams %R or Williams percent range is a momentum indicator that oscillates between 0 to 100 and measures the overbought and oversold levels. This indicator was introduced by Larry Williams in 1987. and with this indicator, he won the world cup trading championship organised by Robin Trading company his daughter Michelle Williams also won the trading champion using this indicator.
About Williams %R
- Williams %R is a momentum indicator that is an inverse of the fast Stochastic Oscillator.
- The indicator oscillates between zero to -100.
- A reading above -20 is an overbought level similarly, A reading below -80 is an oversold level.
- The default setting period of the indicator is 14. which is also considered to be the best.
How to configure Williams %R in the Pocket Option chart
Naturally, you need to first log in to your Pocket Option account first. In case you don’t have one fill out the form below.
Once you have signed up you will land on the Pocket Option dashboard.
Next, click on the chart button and select candles from the menu.
Lastly, click on the indicator button and select Williams %R from the menu.
How to trade with Williams %R
Trading with Williams %R is very easy. You just need to remember the golden rule.
When the indicator line is below the -80 zone it indicates a bullish trend and we can place a buy trade.
Similarly, When the indicator line is above the -20 zone it indicates a bearish trend and we can place a sell trade.
When the Williams %R line is below the -80 zone it indicates that the market is in a bullish trend so, we can place a buy trade.
When the Williams %R line is above the -20 zone it indicates a bearish trend we can place a sell trade.
Final Point
So, trading with the Williams % R is very easy. You just need to remember the basic rules. Combining this indicator with trend indicators like MACD and more won’t be a bad idea. However, the best thing you can do is try this trading strategy in the Pocket Option demo account and move to the real account once you have practised enough and do comment on your experience below and share if you loved this indicator or not.